> The Adventures of Bella Donna: March 2011

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Updated Pics

I have been meaning to post these for two weeks but never came around to doing so.

On the 9th, my sister came to stay with me for a week with her dog, Boston.  Boston is a yellow lab a couple of weeks older than Bella, and this was their first time to meet each other.  After the first week of my sister being with me, I went with Bella to drive back to her house...a state away.  A 6 hour car ride with two dogs was a lot easier than I imagined it would be.  Luckily both pups slept most of the way.

Bella got to play with her older, bigger cousin for two weeks, and in those two weeks a miracle happened! She learned she wasn't the boss!  Ever since she has been very calm and mellow, even in her moments of extreme boredom while I work.  It has been wonderful.  However, she also learned that she is part weasel, and she is a master escape artist.  Today she escaped twice from two different yards, one of which I have no idea how she got through.  And unfortunately she could care less to come when she is called.  She will just look up at me and then stick her little nose back in the ground.  Finally after about 5 minutes of trying to beckon her with treats, she got bored and came back to me.

Anyways, here are some pictures from her visit with her cousin. The include a fun game of tag, the laziest tug-of-war game ever, and their first time in the sprinklers.

This is Bella's strategy....dead weight might give her the upper hand in getting the toy.  Boston was dragging her across the yard!

And finally the pups are begging to come in. ..unfortunately they were covered in mud.

Friday, March 4, 2011


Here are the pictures as promised.  This is after 5 minutes of Bella being outside.  She wasn't satisfied with anything small.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Memory Cards and Pills.

My growing pup is like a full contact sport.  If only Caesar the dog whisperer were here to help.

Yesterday she ate my 8G memory card for my camera.  I have no idea how she got it without me seeing because it was on the far back of the top of my desk. It had all the pictures I had taken from the zoo with me niece and the mating lions.  Plus, I can't afford another right now since I can barely even afford new chapstick.  But, luckily all those pictures had already been put on the computer downstairs.  When I finally got it out of her mouth it was in about 10 pieces.

I think she was jealous that she didn't get to go to the zoo.  It was a fun experience that she had to see pictures of afterwards.  We saw lions mating, tigers roaring, a rhino playing with a ball in the water, a Komodo dragon trying to eat my niece from the other side of the glass and A full bodied parakeet barked.  It was awesome.  So I guess she was jealous.

We are trying to teach her not to jump up on the counters to no avail.  Nothing seems to work.  Same with jumping up on us.  I try the freeze and don't give her any attention, but then she nips at me when the jumping doesn't work.  She nips at me a lot and I can't seem to teach her that biting me is bad.  Luckily it is only me that she bites, never guests.  She just licks them.  Needless to say, though, I am ready for this stage to end.

We did go to the vet yesterday.  The last time she got shots and scraped because she had mange, so yesterday she was not excited to go up those steps.  It was a sad spectacle.  I was glad no one was around to see.  We only went to weigh her to get her next heart worm pill.  She weighs 38.8 pounds!  Her last weigh in was Jan. 26 and she weighed 29.9 pounds.  So she gained 8 pounds in a little over a month.  I can tell.  She is getting heavier and harder to pick up.  And harder to keep in the bathtub, too.

I need to take  picture with her.  I have none.  Unfortunately the photographer can't take a picture of herself.  But I will try to take some pictures this week, hopefully today, so everyone can see how big she has gotten.